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December 2021- BREATHE!

As this is the final newsletter of 2021, I thought that it would be fitting, at this busy, often stressful time of year, to focus on one of my favourite subjects- breathing! I am a keen promotor of regular breathing exercises as it is such a powerful and therapeutic tool. Why not try one?

Why breathwork?

Taking time to do regular breathing work will bring huge rewards to the whole body and mind. Deep, diaphragmatic breathing sends the message to your body that you are calm and relaxed, so can reduce stress and anxiety. It also aids health by;

  • lowering your heart rate and blood pressure.

  • helping you cope with the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

  • making you stronger as it improves your core muscle stability.

  • improves your body’s ability to tolerate intense exercise so you will feel fitter.

  • lowering your chances of injuring or wearing out your muscles.

  • reducing tension, so combatting muscle aches and headaches.

  • slowing your rate of breathing so that it uses less energy.

So many benefits and completely free! Why do breathing exercises need to be rehearsed? Like any exercise, the more you rehearse a breathing exercise, the easier you will find it. A few minutes spent breathing deeply each day will allow your brain to use this tool more readily and reliably in times of stress or anxiety (when you need it the most). I'm too busy! A breathing exercise can take as little as a minute a day. The Apple watch Breathe app is excellent for a one minute guided breath. There are also many excellent guided exercises on Youtube. How to get started: Start with a manageable way of exercising the breath. Try a guided breath exercise like the ones below; - this takes just 3 minutes and can be done anywhere. - or this which takes 10 minutes. More breathing exercises can be found here How can reflexology help? Reflexology, like other therapies, can help you slow down, unwind and breathe deeply. While a client is resting, a reflexologist can work on key breathing areas such as the solar plexus, diaphragm, chest, brain, lungs, and the adrenal glands, in order to promote deeper breathes. This then encourages balance and allows healing for the body and mind. If you find breathing exercises tricky, or would like help, consider booking a Mindful reflexology session. This includes guided breathing at the beginning of the treatment. More details can be found in the link.

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