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February 2022- SELF LOVE

How can it be February already? In the month associated with LOVE (happy Valentine’s Day all!), I thought it would be fitting to discuss SELF LOVE and CARE.

With our busy lifestyles- family, work etc. it can be very easy for number one to become number 2,3,4…on the priority list. We must remember that being physically and mentally healthy ourselves is vital in order give care and support to others. So how can we find time to love and care for number one?

Be your own best friend:

Harsh, unkind responses to our own actions and feelings can unfortunately come very naturally to us. We can be our own worst enemies, giving ourselves negative messages internally day after day. You wouldn’t speak to someone you love and respected that way, so why do it to yourself? Challenge the negative commentary with a more positive alternative, so ‘I look dreadful today,’ might be challenged with ‘I like my outfit today’. Try to learn to love yourself and be a great friend to you.

Try this: It may feel uncomfortable at first but saying a positive affirmation to yourself in front of the mirror is a powerful way of challenging negative thoughts, something like, ‘I am loved’, or ‘I love me’. It becomes less of a cringe the more your practise!

Treat yourself:

Look for the positives in the way you act, look and move through life. Life can be hugely challenging at times, and you are doing brilliantly. Treat yourself because you deserve it! This can be as simple as allowing yourself time and space- a walk in nature, a bubble bath, or a hour in front of the T.V. You deserve to allow your body and mind time to relax and recharge. You are important!

Try this! Give yourself a gift. This can be as generous as is suitable to you and your budget but should be something that you really value. Choose something you love, perhaps the gift of time, a new outfit, some pamper products? For me this is always a massage, reflexology treatment or a lovely long walk with my dogs!

Know that it is OK to say no:

Sometimes we may feel under pressure to please others and over commit our time and energy, leaving ourselves exhausted. It is OK to (politely) say no sometimes and prioritise our own needs. This can feel very difficult and unnatural but in order to be healthy and happy, we must learn to look after us too.

Try this: Think about who and what you genuinely love spending time on. Make a plan to prioritise your time here this month.

Be happy and authentic:

Give yourself permission to be happy. It is OK to find your ‘happy’ wherever, whenever and however feels right for you. Some people love to socialise lots, some like to stay in, some like to be in the countryside, some like to be in the city – be proud of whatever it is that makes you happy and be true to yourself. Being respectful of difference allows us to enjoy the rich diversity of people all around us.

Try this! Say something kind at least once a day- to those around you and most importantly to your true, valuable and precious self.

What will you do to put yourself first this month? How will you show yourself some LOVE?

“Every one of us needs to show how much we care for each other and, in the process, care for ourselves.” Diana, Princess of Wales

I wish you all a peaceful and loved filled February and hope to see you soon.

Melanie x

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